The library offers free Federal and Illinois tax forms during the filing season. To file online or print your own forms, here are some helpful links.
The library will again host the AARP Tax Aides to prepare and e-file your state and federal taxes beginning February 6.
The library can also assist with appointments if you are unable to do so yourself - please call 847-566-8702.
If you have any questions for the tax preparers you may call 224-424-3118 and leave a voicemail.
Before your appointment you can find out what documents you will need. This information is also emailed to you in a link when you register.
Monday & Friday mornings: Warren Township Center in Gurnee - WALK-IN
Monday afternoons: Palatine Public Library
Tuesday & Thursday mornings: Cook Library - Aspen Branch
Wednesday mornings: Grayslake Library - call 847-223-5313
Saturday mornings: Ela Area Library in Lake Zurich - call 847-438-3433
Other AARP Tax Aide Locations are also available in this flyer.
Ladder Up offers walk-in tax prep for low-income individuals on Saturday mornings at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep on Belvidere Rd. in Waukegan. Click here for details.
Patrons with an income of $84,000 or less in 2024 may complete their tax returns online for free with an IRS-certified counselor available for questions. Computers and a printer will be provided; basic computer skills required.
To see what documents to bring to DIY your taxes, as well as the waiver you'll be asked to sign at your appointment click here.