Posting Community Information
The Fremont Library District has a small designated location in the library for posting information from not-for-profit and governmental organizations that serve the Library District area. In providing this community information area, the Library District has elected to make the designated area a limited public forum designed specifically and only for the communication by eligible community-based organizations of non-commercial information relevant to the community which the Library District serves. This area is not available for individuals to post information. They must be part of an established community organization.
Any information presented in the Community Information area must be submitted to a library service desk so an authorized staff member may approve and post according to the following criteria of Organization Type, Location, Timing and Size.
Organization Type
Not-for-profit community organizations and governmental agencies may submit materials for posting. Some examples include:
Location of Group or Event
Due to limited space, priority will be given to groups or events located in the Fremont Library District service area (including unincorporated areas) or its contiguous villages. The general exceptions are statewide or county-wide postings from government or social service agencies like the United Way of Lake County. Any other exceptions will be made at the discretion of designated staff or the Library Director. The following is a list of villages that we consider contiguous to the Fremont Public Library District.
The posting must have a specific date or set of dates for an event or campaign. General posts about the existence of organizations providing services will not be posted. Postings will be removed after the event has passed, not to exceed 45 days of total posting. Exceptions may be made for governmental or social service agency postings.
Signs may not exceed 11x17. We prefer 8.5x11. The library reserves the right to rescan oversized posters to make room for more information in the designated area.
Multiple copies of brochures or flyers may not exceed the designated space; the library reserves the right to accept only the number of copies that can be displayed for each group.
Solicitation Policy
Solicitation of the public or staff is not permitted in the library or its grounds. Solicitation includes any request for an individual’s money, signature or opinion. Examples include but are not limited to:
Exceptions to this policy include:
Click here to view a printable version of this policy.